At Clean Nova Scotia, our goal is to inspire Nova Scotians and other Canadians to strive toward a cleaner, healthier Environment. We are a non-profit organisation that offers educational programs and services for those interested in preserving the environment.
Clean Nova Scotia works with individuals, businesses, communities, institutions and governments. The way we succeed is by helping these organisations find solutions that will work for them. This gives each person involved a sense of ownership of and responsibility for keeping Nova Scotia in good condition.
If you are interested in taking action, there are many ways that you can help. You could organise a clean-up day, spread the word about recycling different types of items, volunteer for Clean Nova Scotia or donate money to Environmental causes. We look forward to hearing from you about ways that you can help with our environmental Conservation efforts.
Please use the Contact form on the right for A Cleaner Healthier Environment information and ordering.
Conservation – Environment – Environmental – Environmentally Responsible – Environment Conservation – Recycling