Babywearing and Cloth Diapering

Babywearing and Cloth Diapering Product details

Babywearing and Cloth Diapering Product by:
Babes in Arms

Babes in Arms is your babywearing and cloth diapering resource in Calgary. Raising a Baby naturally can be quite a feat, but with our Baby Products, you can enjoy wearing your baby and using soft, healthy cloth diapers against his sensitive skin. In addition to a variety of slings, baby carriers and cloth diaper accessories, we also carry the items you need for a successful breastfeeding relationship.

At Babes in Arms, we are well-versed in taking excellent care of babies. We understand the various options available in cloth diapering and carry a wide array of all-in-one diapers, prefold diapers, diaper covers, cloth baby wipes and much more. Avoid the rashes and discomfort that can come from disposable diapers, and keep them out of the landfills, too.

We are committed to helping you raise your baby as naturally as possible. Feel free to call us with your questions pertaining to natural parenting and attachment parenting. Your baby’s health and happiness are our -- and your -- first priority.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Babywearing and Cloth Diapering information and ordering.

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  • Babes in Arms Contact Details »
    6707 Elbow Drive Southwest, Calgary, AB T2V 0E5, Canada
    Calgary (Oak Ridge / Haysboro / Kingsland / Windsor Park), Alberta T2V, T: 403-835-4614

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