Canadian Boreal Initiative is an organisation devoted to Boreal Forest Conservation. We partner with other conservation and environmental organisations, the government, industry groups and First Nations in order to develop plans for Sustainable solutions for this fragile Canadian Ecosystem.
Our first goal is to maintain the health of the Boreal Forest. We understand that in order to do this, we must work on protecting the sustainable commercial interests and economic benefits of those who depend on the forest, while at the same time respecting the rights and culture of the First Nations. We concentrate on maximising the benefits of using the forest, while minimising any negative impact on the environment and community.
A wide variety of wildlife calls the Boreal Forest home, as well as 3.5 million people, including 600 First Nations communities. If you are interested in helping to save this forest, contact the Canadian Boreal Initiative for a list of ways that you can get involved.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Boreal Forest Conservation information and ordering.