Energy Efficient Light Fixtures

Energy Efficient Light Fixtures Product details

Energy Efficient Light Fixtures Product by:
Custom Lighting Ltd

Custom Lighting is a company that provides Energy Efficient light fixtures for a variety of commercial, industrial and institutional users. We work with electrical products distributors and electrical engineers to help them come up with solutions that will work for their wide client bases.

Some examples of fixtures that we have provided include outdoor lighting for restaurants; energy efficient lighting for hotels, restaurants and hospitals; and lighting for educational institutions. Our focus is on using the latest in technology in order to create as efficient a product possible. We want to help you reduce your Energy Consumption, which will lead to a smaller carbon footprint.

If you are interested in upgrading your lighting in an existing Building or in working with us to find eco-friendly solutions for your new building project, please contact us. We would be happy to show you the difference that Custom Lighting products can make in your overall energy efficiency.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Energy Efficient Light Fixtures information and ordering.

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