MESS or Maskwa Environmental and Social Systems is a professional Aboriginal consulting firm based in Vancouver which offers Environmental Management services such as Site Remediation and Clean Up.
We work with a passionate team of scientists and engineers. We also collaborate with archaeologists and anthropologists for the best technical advice. We are famous for our ability to solving environmental problems and providing answers in ecology, sewage, solid waste, mining/pipelines, construction related issues, geotechnical, community development, capacity building, monitoring, air quality and environmental areas.
Our most popular service is our Environmental Site Remediation and Clean-up. Here we combine geotechnical and hydrogeological capabilities to minimize, mitigate and clean-up a variety of pollutants and contaminates. Our services include:
Chemical Spills and Leaks, Drilling and Soil Sampling, Pollutant Drainage Surveys, Ground Water Extraction and Monitoring, On-site Treatment Technologies and more.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Environmental Site Remediation and Clean-up information and ordering.
Air Pollution – Assessment – Environmental Management – Environmental Risk Assessment – Environmental Science