Environmentally Responsible UPick Farm

Environmentally Responsible UPick Farm Product details

Environmentally Responsible UPick Farm Product by:
Emma Lea Farms

Emma Lea Farms, located in Ladner, BC, is an environmentally responsible Upick farm dedicated to providing seasonal produce to Canadians. We know how important it is to you to feed your family locally grown, fresh fruits and Vegetables, and we strive to provide you with the highest quality berries, potatoes, beans, peas, cabbage and rutabaga.

Our environmentally sound Farming practices ensure that our produce is grown in a sustainable, eco friendly way. We have on-farm food safety certifications to be sure that the food is harvested and handled properly. Our farm is kept clean and neat, hygiene stations are set up in various areas, and we treat for insects only when absolutely necessary in order to minimize the use of sprays and pesticides.

If you are looking for a source of healthy produce for your family, consider visiting Emma Lea Farms, just 30 minutes by car from Vancouver.

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