Family and Commuter Bikes

Family and Commuter Bikes Product details

Family and Commuter Bikes Product by:
Marty's Mountain Cycle

Here at Marty's Mountain Cycle, we Bicycles and accessories of all types - from professional Mountain BMXs to Family and Commuter Bikes for those who prefers more relaxed Cycling

Our Commuter bikes are great for anyone who is interested in getting to work efficiently, or even for a slow weekend ride over the along your favourite suburban pavements. Our Commuter bikes have all the fittings for racks, panniers and fenders that you need. We even offer an efficient and comfortable pedalling position. 

However, if you are interested in some serious miles on the pavement, we recommend a road bike with it’s aerodynamic riding position and higher gearing - like our Rocky Mountain and Brodie.

We also feature a great range of family bikes for those who prefer a weekend pedal with the kids or by yourself. We feature an upright, comfortable riding position because we know that nothing beats a well fitting, safe and sturdy bike on a fine day. 

We offered sturdy and rugged jogging strollers too meet your outdoor needs. 

Please use the Contact form on the right for Family and Commuter Bikes information and ordering.

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