Healthy Organic Catering

Healthy Organic Catering Product details

Healthy Organic Catering Product by:
Edible Planet Catering

The Edible Planet offers healthy Organic Catering options for consumers who want to provide their families and guests with the highest quality in energizing food. We carry grass-fed beef and chicken, organic fair trade coffee, Ocean Wise fish and in-season produce grown by local organic farmers.

Your health is important to us. We do not believe in the use of harmful chemicals when it comes to serving food. We create menus in a way that allows us to use the bounty of what’s in season and available in our community, as it’s important to us to support the local food-growers.

In addition to providing you with only the best food for your special occasion, we strive to be socially and ecologically responsible. The Edible Planet is proud to have a composting and recycling program that allows us to reduce our carbon footprints and make the environment healthier for everyone. We look forward to catering your next special occasion.

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