Holistic and Sustainable Design

Holistic and Sustainable Design Product details

Holistic and Sustainable Design Product by:
Christopher Simmonds Architect

Christopher Simmonds Architect is proud to offer aesthetic, holistic and sustainable design for private residential, multi residential, community and public buildings. We work with compassion and respect for the environment, taking into consideration the features of your site so that your home or building will work in harmony with the land for maximum sustainability.

We work with a team of creative engineers, energy modeling experts and building owners in order to create an architectural design that meets the needs of the owners and the environment. We use innovative, out-of-the-box thinking in order to come up with solutions that will result in a minimal impact on the environment, a reduction in carbon emissions and a beautiful, energy-efficient, Green Building.

We use an intuitive approach, as well as some of the ideals of Feng Shui in order to facilitate the natural flow of energy. If you are interested in having a home or commercial building designed using sustainable, holistic methods, please contact Christopher Simmonds.

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