Local Seasonal Cooking

Local Seasonal Cooking Product details

Local Seasonal Cooking Product by:
Camilles Restaurant

At Camilles Restaurant, we never offer the exact same menu twice, because we focus on local, seasonal cooking. Whatever fresh foods come in our door each day is what we cook, and because we depend on Local Farmers in an effort to support our community, we can’t ever be sure ahead of time what we’re going to get.

Camilles is the perfect restaurant for those following a seasonal diet. For example, in the winter, we might offer dishes made with crabapples, winter sorrel and grapes. The spring brings fiddleheads, asparagus, mushrooms and salmonberries. Summer brings blackberries, corn on the cob and snap peas, and the fall harvest might include tomatoes, squash, pumpkins, plums and more. We also offer a variety of locally farmed and hunted venison, scallops, crabs, quail, caribou, salmon, chicken, pork and other meats as well.

If you are looking for fresh, Nutritious Food that is grown locally and processed humanely, please come in and visit us at Camille’s Restaurant.

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