Oil Spill Response Solutions

Oil Spill Response Solutions Product details

Oil Spill Response Solutions Product by:
Aqua Guard

Aqua Guard provides a variety of oil spill response solutions based on the newest Technology and innovation. When an oil spill occurs, action much be taken quickly while taking into account the potential damage to the various parts of our fragile Ecosystem. At Aqua-Guard, we have the expertise and technology required to clean up the spill with maximum damage control.

Since 1968, Aqua Guard has been creating relationships with petroleum companies and government organisations in order to prevent damage that can occur during an oil spill. Our oil skimming technology has been responsible for saving wildlife and preventing water pollution during most of the world’s major oil spills over the past several decades.

Water protection and water pollution remediation is our primary concern. We feel that we have a social responsibility to keep our water supplies clean and oil-free. At Aqua Guard, we are proud to be at the forefront of innovation when it comes to oil spill response solutions.

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