Rainwater Harvesting for Water Conservation

Rainwater Harvesting for Water Conservation Product details

Rainwater Harvesting for Water Conservation Product by:
Clean Flo

At Clean Flo, we specialise in Rainwater harvesting for water Conservation. When we install one of our harvesting and treatment systems on your home, you can use that water for nearly any household purpose, including watering your lawn or garden, washing your laundry or car, or even giving your dog a bath or filling your aquarium.

Your Rainwater Collection system includes a place to catch the water, pre-holding filters, a holding tank, post-holding filters and a pump system. We handle the design and installation for residential systems, and provide consulting and project management services for agricultural or commercial systems.

You can reduce your water consumption by up to 70% when you properly harvest and use your rainwater. This lowers your utility costs, helps to conserve water and can reduce your ecological footprint. Please contact us for more information on rainwater management.

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