Recycled Bio Diesel

Recycled Bio Diesel Product details

Recycled Bio Diesel Product by:
Cowichan Bio-diesel Co-op (main office)

At Cowichan Bio-Diesel, we supply recycled bio diesel made from leftover cooking oil, which is procured from local restaurants. Our motto is, “We eat locally, and so do our cars.” The benefits of using bio diesel include utilising an environmentally friendly Alternative Energy as well as helping to recycle oil that would otherwise be disposed of.

Cowichan is community owned and operated, and has been ethically producing and supplying cooking oil bio diesel since 2005. Because the fuel is made right here in Cowichan Valley, joining our co-op means that you’ll be helping to sustain the local community, in addition to using an ecologically friendly alternative to petrol.

Our co-op has about 200 members, all of whom are trying to reduce their Carbon Footprint and do something good for the Environment. If you would like to join us or purchase this alternative fuel, please contact Cowichan Bio-Diesel Co-op for more information.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Recycled Bio Diesel information and ordering.

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