Recycling Pickup Company

Recycling Pickup Company Product details

Recycling Pickup Company Product by:
Cowichan Recyclists

Cowichan Recyclists is a recycling pickup company that operates with a twist: Rather than use petrol or even alternative fuels to transport your recycling, we use human power. You’ll see us picking up your bins on our 100% Emissions free bicycles. This allows us to get the health benefits of fresh air while minimising our impact on the earth.

We can pick up your mixed recyclables, as well as your organic material, on a weekly, bimonthly or monthly basis. If you have a large amount of recycled materials, we can schedule a bulk pickup, as well. Another service we offer is helping to “Green up” events. Instead of dealing with the waste from a party, meeting or other special event, let us handle it for you in an eco-friendly way.

With Climate Change a popular topic of discussion, it is more important now than ever before to take the actions that will have minimal impacts on the environment. If you are having a hard time fitting in time to recycle, allow us to help. Our services are reasonably priced and completely ecologically friendly. Contact us today.

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