Scrap Metal Recycling

Scrap Metal Recycling Product details

Scrap Metal Recycling Product by:
ABC Recycling Metals

ABC Recycling is a company specialising in Scrap Metal recycling. Our goal is to keep metals out of the landfills whenever possible. We accept metal from households, construction companies, automotive companies and various other industries.

Every month, ABC Recycling diverts approximately 20,000 tons of scrap metal from the landfills. The staff is well trained on how to deal with different types of Waste to ensure that non-metal waste that we receive is dealt with properly. We frequently assess our environmental policies and procedures in order to stay current with the latest eco-friendly technology.

We offer on-site services, as well as containers and various clean up services. If you are searching for a company to take care of your scrap metal recycling needs, contact ABC Recycling.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Scrap Metal Recycling information and ordering.

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