Spill Response Kits

Spill Response Kits Product details

Product by:
Suzhou Hopetopway New Material Co., Ltd.

 Spill Kit Instructions
(NOTE: Your kit may, or may not contain all of the general items discussed in these general Instructions )

Protect Yourself First

●Open the spill kit , place safety goggles and gloves on your eyes and hands.

Absorbent Boom/Socks

●If these is a drain grate nearby that released fluid could possibly leak into, protect the grate with absorbent booms/socks. Otherwise , place the absorbent booms/socks at the forward edge of the spilled fluid in the direction it is moving to contain it.

Absorbent Pads and Pillows

●Place the absorbent pads or pillows on the fluid within the absorbent booms/socks area or anywhere else they are needed to soak up the fluid before it soaks into any surface which it was spilled.

Saturated Sorbents

●Saturated Sorbents may be disposed of in the disposal bags provided in your spill kit. Proper storage and disposal guidelines should be followed whenever using Hopetopway sorbent products. The handing, storage and disposal of this product may be governed by state, local and federal environmental and transportation laws, rules and regulations. The buyer is solely responsible for proper storage and disposal of the product when saturated as well as compliance with such laws and regulations. Consult authorized government agenices or other qualified personnel for disposal treatment or spill saturated product.

●Support color and specification customization.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Spill Response Kits information and ordering.

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