Demxx Deconstruction Inc.

Demxx Deconstruction Inc. info, products & news

    Demxx was formed in 1997 when Alan Parkin and Brian Lea incorporated their demolition and salvage partnership. In December of 2009 Alan Parkin bought out the other partners and assumed sole ownership of the company.  The company occupies its own 10 acre site located near Coombs, British Columbia, Canada, a well known tourist destination on Vancouver Island. Over the years the company evolved, and has full time sales, yard and demolition crews. The yard is managed by Grant McCubbin, with the able assistance of his crew of sales people. Demxx tries to minimize waste at demolition sites, as the word 'deconstruction' in the name implies. Our projects are basically hand demolition, and the resulting salvage materials show the care and experience in the removal of material which the company has developed. As the demolition crew dismantles buildings the salvage material is moved back to the sales yard where it is prepared for display and sale. The types of material we handle vary depending on the projects at hand, and cover the full spectrum of buildings. We have worked on projects all over British Columbia . We also purchase material from other demolition contractors who do not have a way to market salvage. New material is also a major part of Demxx's activity. We sell new steel cladding, new windows and new doors just to name a few. In fact we sell new material in virtually all the categories where we sell used material. We also stock the material, something done less and less these days.

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